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School Counselor Ms. Tiwari

Contact Information:

  • I am here Monday through Friday, 7:30 A.M. until 2:40 P.M.

  • My office phone number is (718)424-7700 extension 2040

  • My fax number is (718)458-6567

  • My e-mail is

PS 69Q School Counseling Program Vision Statement

The vision of the PS 69Q School Counseling Program is for all students to reach their maximum potential. They will graduate and be prepared to meet the challenges and high expectations of the 21st century. By using a comprehensive School Counseling Program all students will become productive citizens and responsible lifelong learners. Accomplished through their academic development, personal and social growth, and career exploration. They will be ready to adapt and achieve success in an ever-changing world.


PS 69Q School Counseling Program Mission Statement

The mission of the PS 69 Counseling Program is to provide every student with a comprehensive, proactive school counseling program. The School Counselor with work together with teachers, administrators, parents and a caring community. This will help provide an atmosphere of security, warmth, and encouragement as PS 69. A safe environment lets students work to reach their fullest educational potential in all areas. These areas consist of academic success, college and career readiness, and personal development. The School Counselor will also commit to establishing a solid school foundation. This will allow the students at PS 69 to manage their lives as healthy, responsible, and productive citizens who respect themselves and others.


PS 69Q School Counseling Program Belief Statements

  • We believe that ALL students can learn and achieve academic greatness. This happens when they are encouraged and nurtured in a respectful environment.

  • We believe ALL children are unique. Treat ALL children are with the respect and dignity they deserve.

  • We believe learning is a lifelong process.

  • We believe children need to develop a positive self-image. The collaborative effort of the school, home, and community will accomplish this. This leads to responsible and productive citizenship.

  • We believe ALL students have diverse needs. Attending to the diverse needs through the school counseling program.

  • We believe every student needs appropriate personal and social skills. These skills allow students to achieve optimum benefits from the educational program.

  • We believe a comprehensive, developmental school counseling program is not a support service but an integral part of the total education program.

  • We believe a developmentally appropriate school counseling program provides important benefits to individual students. We do this by addressing their intellectual, emotional, social, physical, and psychological needs.

  • We believe in nurturing ALL students social and emotional well-being. This will encourage their academic development and future success.

Some of the Services That I Provide

  • Individual and group counseling for mandated and at-risk students

  • Classroom lessons promoting a range of Social-Skills

  • Social Emotional Learning 

  • Character Education

  • Crisis Management and Awareness and Response

  • Conflict Resolution

  • Bully Awareness and Respect For All

  • College and Career Readiness

  • Middle School Articulation

  • Parent Support and Outreach

  • Child Abuse Prevention and Intervention

  • Support for Families in Temporary Housing

  • Suicide Prevention and Intervention

  • Attendance and Tardiness Concerns

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