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Crisis Support
PS 69Q Crisis Team

We here at PS 69 Q care deeply about the social-emotional wellbeing of our school-community members and are here to help. You may reach out to any of our Crisis Team Members if you need support.

  • Ms. Tiwari, Guidance Counselor, extension 2041

  • Mr. Valencia (bi-lingual Spanish), Social Worker, extension 2332

  • Ms. Pernett (bi-lingual Spanish), School Psychologist. extension 2341

  • Ms. Melhado, School Psychologist, extension 2351 

Crisis Support Resources
Click on the titles to be brought directly to the webpage

  • 1-888-NYC-Well, which is available through the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, provides mental health and social service referrals by zip code and by family medical insurance. This service can also assess the need to dispatch the Mobile Crisis Team, which provides rapid crisis care.

  • Mental Health for All, is a central hub where every New Yorker can connect to care and find mental health resources for themselves and their loved ones. No matter the age, ZIP code, ethnicity, or gender, we want every New Yorker to be able to live their best life.

  • Health Information Tools for Empowerment, is a resource for medical, mental health and related services in New York. Click on Search for Programs and Services for a wealth of resources in areas such as: after-school programs/youth groups, child care/day care, counseling for children, domestic abuse/victims’ services, early childhood education, family financial and welfare services, home-based family support, LGBTQ services, mentoring, parenting support, psychological testing for youth, summer youth programs, and tutoring.

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